Lamest Tourist Attractions Ever
Wow, I've been around you know, and I can tell you that London is the worlds most boring city to get stuck in for a fortnight after you've spent your summer going around Europe.
After the extreme success that was the bug out from France I was very positive about my chances of an early flight home and a few weeks recovering on the beach in Brunswick. Unfortunately it was not to be, my travel agent could not come up with a seat any earlier then the one I had previously organised so I had to deal with the tragedy of an entire fortnight sitting around this dark and deary city.
Desperation set in after a day or two sitting on the couch, so I've been searching around for ways to fill my days - its been a stretch. First I tried computer games - Age of Empires and Tiger Woods golf for PC are excellent games, but unfortunately theres only so much time one could spend on a computer.
So I decided to be a little bit active, and decided to play golf. With a glint in my eye and clubs under my arms I set of across Hackney to the little par 3 course that doubles for a Golf Course over here. The play was horrible, as was the conditions- Fucking England, a delightful bright day, but it was still freezing cold, in the end it wasn't enjoyable at all.
Almost out of answers I decided to try some of the many tourist attractions that were still left for me to see in Londres. I had deliberately left Lords till last when I was here earlier in the year, so I set off to do that for the day. It turned out that right near Lords was Abbey Road and the Abbey Road Studios- famous for the Beatles album cover, BT and Wristy had put me onto it earlier in the trip. So I went along, and I can say without reservation (up to this point) that it was the lamest thing I have ever seen.

(Its a fucking Zebra Crossing for Christ Sakes)
Anyways, I spent maybe thirty seconds watching the lame wads running across the road whenever the traffic lightened to get their pictures taken then headed off to Lords in disgust. Thankfully Lords was an excellent way to pass some time, well worth the visit, the perfect way to get my head in the right place for the upcoming battle of the Gabba Stack A Thon.
Anyways, that was last Thursday, so Friday I decided to do a day trip to Brighton, famous for its beaches and its Peer. I was picturing something along the lines of Cannes, maybe Nice, certainly not Monaco, but something pretty cool at least. Simply it was just another town, with a lame beach and a Peer- not really knowing what to expect I went to the Peer- and it wasn't very exciting- anyways, I don't want to run it down too much- see it for yourself. But I won't be going back.
I woke up on Saturday thankful that I had managed to live through the week, but then realised that I still had a full week to go in this snore town. Saturday I watched the rugby- was good, got very drunk, Sunday watched the F1- was good, got very drunk. And since then I have spent all my time sitting on the couch watching the clock tick down towards Thursday lunch time - 46 hours to go- very excited.
You werent the only one expecting you back 1 1/2 weeks ago
I spent an entire Sunday trying to find you at the airport
And your blog didnt mention your persona which is now so far Slingblade you would have some sort of serial killer profile
Dont hate life Will...
October 24, 2007 at 3:09 PM
Thank christ he's on his way home and this blog is over
I was going to cut my wrists its so depressing
October 25, 2007 at 8:01 AM
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