This is the travel blog my Mum told me I had to have. I left Brisbane on the 4th of December and will return at the end of the World Cup. I can't promise to update regullary, but at least in the short term I will update with stories from the road. I will try to report the truth but a little bit of Gonzo should also be expected from time to time. Funtheque is the name of the most happening club I found in Malaysia - so I decided to name the blog that to honour the memory.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

There's 570mls in a Pint

So I got half way through a post the other day talking all about my St Patricks day and the super human 11 pint effort I put in, sassing a little the fellows who were cliaming 10 pints when they were only drinking cans, and that sort of thing.

Then I looked back at the blog and noticed there is a bit of a theme to some of the stories I have been telling- any one would think I am a fall down drunk, a little one dimensional if you will. So I decided to post on a different subject.

But what to talk about...

I could tell you all about the plays and opera's I have been to see over here, but the last play we went to was a one man show with a guy from the West Wing, and I would be a little embarrased to come over like that big of a groupie.

Then I was going to tell you all about my favorite parts of London and how good it was now that it was warming up, but then this week it has become fucking cold again (snowed a few times) and I have remembered that I don't like any parts of this backwards town.

Finally I was going to talk about my excellent new job and how cool I am going down to Canary Wharf or the 'Wharf' as those of us who work down there call it, but then I remembered that I'm just not that guy.

So I've got nothing. Here is a very funny link that will at least make you smile!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fans have really left this Blog in droves...but given the quality, quantity and general standard of posting - can they be blamed???

I mean stories about Bill boozing too much, harassing ladies and sleeping on a couch at a siblings house (who is also supporting him) - I saw it all in 2006...

The only difference is that he left the his job with a major corporate in 2007...whoops thats right - nothing has changed

April 2, 2007 at 4:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware, Will, the solitude of your calenture


April 3, 2007 at 7:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a few mind altering substances William

April 3, 2007 at 8:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that was a barbed comment

April 3, 2007 at 8:07 AM


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