This is the travel blog my Mum told me I had to have. I left Brisbane on the 4th of December and will return at the end of the World Cup. I can't promise to update regullary, but at least in the short term I will update with stories from the road. I will try to report the truth but a little bit of Gonzo should also be expected from time to time. Funtheque is the name of the most happening club I found in Malaysia - so I decided to name the blog that to honour the memory.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vale Billy Thorpe - Or Alternativly, stay strong Smokey Joe Camel

So its not been the strongest 24 hours to be a Lovell.

First we learnt that family talisman Jan 'the man' Ulrich had decided that the accusations where too much and he was quitting cycling, all of a sudden July was looking a lean month for Lovell expectations. Then, far too early for one so young, Billy Thorpe, leaving honorary Lovell member, B K Warwick without a hero, passed. We all have a favorite Billy Thorpe memory, but let me just say that trying to remember what mine was has left people saying I'm acting a little crazy...

Anyways, there are always positives in this sort of situation. First of all Kapitan I urge you not to cancel your flights for june/july until you read this story:,8659,21299418-23218,00.html

Second, it has been Smokey Joe Camel's birthday over here (no idea what date it is over there) and a few remarkable things have happened.

1st. old Joe Norks had an ephinany this morning, she realised that smoking was a bad thing, and she has decided to give it up- so next time you see her, if she is smoking, be sure to go mad at her.

2nd. We all got drunk (it was her birthday)

3rd. I had a whole list before but have forgotten them as I began writing this post.

So let me just bring you up to speed. Had a job interview for a slightly decnet job today, all fingers are crossed (especially Joe Camel after I promised her I would move out for her birthday if I got a job).

and that's about all, I'm sorry, when I started writing I thought I would have a lot to talk about, but really, I have found out that your very own TGO was first to bed on Saturday (otherwise known as the Pickle House Warming) but as I have tried to explain I am the worlds champion at early nights at house warmings (lousy the tunny's and their Cuavar ? who the fuck knows?) anyways, what do peiople expect of me, i propped the party up for as long as I could (if you know what I mean) if it turned into an extended bridge game after I went to bed what can I do?)

So anyways, thats the end of the post, except to say that the first call old Smokey Joe got for her 41st birthday was from one David K Lovell, now I don't know if that means that old Linda J Mcdermott/lovell/hall/Warwick is slipping or if the old man is getting better after 30 years of practice, but it is still a debate topic.



Blogger jLo said...

Appasrently Dad worked out the timezones all by himself.

Vale Billy Thorpe.

Durnky posting is fun. Also, I love cigamarillos. Hear ye not any different.

Tonight I had three mojitos before dinner. My b rother is funny. And he wore his pink trousers to our housewarming and was a big hit. Until he passed out at 8:30pm and hit the floor in dramatic fashion as people called 'TIMBER'. etc.

I need to finish this comment now. He and I are sitting on the couch at the Pickle, both commenting on each other's blogs. Shoot us now.

February 27, 2007 at 4:00 PM

Blogger jLo said...

I forgot to mention (in our defense) that we are listening to Slim Dusty. Rock and roll.

February 27, 2007 at 4:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear the house warming was a success...

Do you remember being on msn with me??? I had no idea what you were on about, but you were too drunk to clarify (as was your sister).

You kept going on about dirty sluts, and u hating them or something. In fact I kept a word you wrote...was wondering if you could translate: ckr;abe ???

Who is Billy Thorpe???

And you should know by now its not nice to play your parents off against each other...what have they ever done to you?

February 27, 2007 at 7:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tracy Menzies got to Billy too?
*too soon*

February 28, 2007 at 6:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy 56th birthday Jules!
cath says hi

March 1, 2007 at 9:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Rhyso, that Tracey Menzies.

I am truely concerned, I've booked three lots of flights to go and party with my bro in Europa but I just dont think he will be able to last the distance.

I've been training with the best young party man I could find(he may be caught up in the '80s but he still goes hard)and my brother has been broken by the substandard coaching provided by jLo and her pack of cronies.

March 7, 2007 at 3:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am concerned on two fronts

- 10 days and no posts indicates that Bill is not living life and this blog is going south

- the 80's reaganaut only parties that hard because of the white line fever...but now his little heart is tamed are we in for more of last saturday night?

March 7, 2007 at 7:54 PM

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